Improving Privacy in Graphs Through Node Addition

by   Nazanin Takbiri, et al.

The rapid growth of computer systems which generate graph data necessitates employing privacy-preserving mechanisms to protect users' identity. Since structure-based de-anonymization attacks can reveal users' identity's even when the graph is simply anonymized by employing naive ID removal, recently, k-anonymity is proposed to secure users' privacy against the structure-based attack. Most of the work ensured graph privacy using fake edges, however, in some applications, edge addition or deletion might cause a significant change to the key property of the graph. Motivated by this fact, in this paper, we introduce a novel method which ensures privacy by adding fake nodes to the graph. First, we present a novel model which provides k-anonymity against one of the strongest attacks: seed-based attack. In this attack, the adversary knows the partial mapping between the main graph and the graph which is generated using the privacy-preserving mechanisms. We show that even if the adversary knows the mapping of all of the nodes except one, the last node can still have k-anonymity privacy. Then, we turn our attention to the privacy of the graphs generated by inter-domain routing against degree attacks in which the degree sequence of the graph is known to the adversary. To ensure the privacy of networks against this attack, we propose a novel method which tries to add fake nodes in a way that the degree of all nodes have the same expected value.


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