Improving Data Efficiency for Plant Cover Prediction with Label Interpolation and Monte-Carlo Cropping

by   Matthias Körschens, et al.

The plant community composition is an essential indicator of environmental changes and is, for this reason, usually analyzed in ecological field studies in terms of the so-called plant cover. The manual acquisition of this kind of data is time-consuming, laborious, and prone to human error. Automated camera systems can collect high-resolution images of the surveyed vegetation plots at a high frequency. In combination with subsequent algorithmic analysis, it is possible to objectively extract information on plant community composition quickly and with little human effort. An automated camera system can easily collect the large amounts of image data necessary to train a Deep Learning system for automatic analysis. However, due to the amount of work required to annotate vegetation images with plant cover data, only few labeled samples are available. As automated camera systems can collect many pictures without labels, we introduce an approach to interpolate the sparse labels in the collected vegetation plot time series down to the intermediate dense and unlabeled images to artificially increase our training dataset to seven times its original size. Moreover, we introduce a new method we call Monte-Carlo Cropping. This approach trains on a collection of cropped parts of the training images to deal with high-resolution images efficiently, implicitly augment the training images, and speed up training. We evaluate both approaches on a plant cover dataset containing images of herbaceous plant communities and find that our methods lead to improvements in the species, community, and segmentation metrics investigated.


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