Improving ClusterGAN Using Self-AugmentedInformation Maximization of Disentangling LatentSpaces
The Latent Space Clustering in Generative adversarial networks (ClusterGAN) method has been successful with high-dimensional data. However, the method assumes uniformlydistributed priors during the generation of modes, which isa restrictive assumption in real-world data and cause loss ofdiversity in the generated modes. In this paper, we proposeself-augmentation information maximization improved Clus-terGAN (SIMI-ClusterGAN) to learn the distinctive priorsfrom the data. The proposed SIMI-ClusterGAN consists offour deep neural networks: self-augmentation prior network,generator, discriminator and clustering inference autoencoder.The proposed method has been validated using seven bench-mark data sets and has shown improved performance overstate-of-the art methods. To demonstrate the superiority ofSIMI-ClusterGAN performance on imbalanced dataset, wehave discussed two imbalanced conditions on MNIST datasetswith one-class imbalance and three classes imbalanced cases.The results highlight the advantages of SIMI-ClusterGAN.