Implementing Immune Repertoire Models Using Weighted Finite State Machines

by   Gijs Schröder, et al.

The adaptive immune system's T and B cells can be viewed as large populations of simple, diverse classifiers. Artificial immune systems (AIS) x2013 algorithmic models of T or B cell repertoires x2013 are used in both computational biology and natural computing to investigate how the immune system adapts to its changing environments. However, researchers have struggled to build such systems at scale. For string-based AISs, finite state machines (FSMs) can store cell repertoires in compressed representations that are orders of magnitude smaller than explicitly stored receptor sets. This strategy allows AISs with billions of receptors to be generated in a matter of seconds. However, to date, these FSM-based AISs have been unable to deal with multiplicity in input data. Here, we show how weighted FSMs can be used to represent cell repertoires and model immunological processes like negative and positive selection, while also taking into account the multiplicity of input data. We use our method to build simple immune-inspired classifier systems that solve various toy problems in anomaly detection, showing how weights can be crucial for both performance and robustness to parameters. Our approach can potentially be extended to increase the scale of other population-based machine learning algorithms such as learning classifier systems.


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