Implementation of three LWC Schemes in the WiFi 4-Way Handshake with Software Defined Radio
In this paper, we present the implementation setup of the IEEE 802.1X 4-way handshake mutual authentication and IEEE 802.11i amending protected communication by using lightweight cryptography (LWC) schemes. The cryptographic functions including message integrity check (MIC) code (or equivalently message authentication code), key deviation function, and authenticated encryption are implemented by each of three LWC schemes, i.e., ACE, SPIX, and WAGE, in three different types of microcontrollers: 8-bit (Atmega128), 16-bit (MSP430f2013/MSP430f22370) and 32-bit (Cortex-m3lm3s9d96) microcontrollers. Software defined radio (SDR), contained two Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) devices, is used to setup 802.11a physical layer orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) transmission systems for the devices. We provide the experimental timing including cryptographic operations, OFDM modulation and radio transmission in the air.