Impact of XR on Mental Health: Are we Playing with Fire?

by   Benjamin Kenwright, et al.

Extended reality (XR) technology has the incredible potential to revolutionize mental health treatment and support, bringing a whole new dimension to the field. Through the use of immersive virtual and augmented reality experiences, individuals can enter entirely new worlds and realities that provide a safe and controlled space for therapy and self-exploration. Whether it's stepping into a calming natural environment, practicing social interactions or confronting past traumas in a controlled environment, extended reality offers endless possibilities. Engaging these virtual realities, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their emotions, learn coping strategies, and practice important life skills in a way that is both engaging and effective. The wonders of extended reality for mental health are truly awe-inspiring and offer a powerful tool for improving the well-being of individuals around the world. However, we should remember, everything has its disadvantages, and XR is no different. While XR is a revolution, the human brain is very complex, fragile and unique (like with fingerprints, no two people have the same brain anatomy), leading to varying conditions, results, experiences and consequences. This article presents insights and information on how immersive interactive digital experiences can shape our minds and behaviors. Research to date suggests that XR experiences can change regions of the brain responsible for attention and visuospatial skills.


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