ImageNomer: developing an fMRI and omics visualization tool to detect racial bias in functional connectivity
It can be difficult to identify trends and perform quality control in large, high-dimensional fMRI or omics datasets. To remedy this, we develop ImageNomer, a data visualization and analysis tool that allows inspection of both subject-level and cohort-level features. The tool allows visualization of phenotype correlation with functional connectivity (FC), partial connectivity (PC), dictionary components (PCA and our own method), and genomic data (single-nucleotide polymorphisms, SNPs). In addition, it allows visualization of weights from arbitrary ML models. ImageNomer is built with a Python backend and a Vue frontend. We validate ImageNomer using the Philadelphia Neurodevelopmental Cohort (PNC) dataset, which contains multitask fMRI and SNP data of healthy adolescents. Using correlation, greedy selection, or model weights, we find that a set of 10 FC features can explain 15 age, compared to 35 significant FCs are either between bilateral default mode network (DMN) regions or spatially proximal subcortical areas. Additionally, we show that whereas both FC (fMRI) and SNPs (genomic) features can account for 10-15 intelligence variation, this predictive ability disappears when controlling for race. We find that FC features can be used to predict race with 85 compared to 78 doubt on the possibility of finding unbiased intelligence-related features in fMRI and SNPs of healthy adolescents.