Image-Based Fire Detection in Industrial Environments with YOLOv4

by   Otto Zell, et al.

Fires have destructive power when they break out and affect their surroundings on a devastatingly large scale. The best way to minimize their damage is to detect the fire as quickly as possible before it has a chance to grow. Accordingly, this work looks into the potential of AI to detect and recognize fires and reduce detection time using object detection on an image stream. Object detection has made giant leaps in speed and accuracy over the last six years, making real-time detection feasible. To our end, we collected and labeled appropriate data from several public sources, which have been used to train and evaluate several models based on the popular YOLOv4 object detector. Our focus, driven by a collaborating industrial partner, is to implement our system in an industrial warehouse setting, which is characterized by high ceilings. A drawback of traditional smoke detectors in this setup is that the smoke has to rise to a sufficient height. The AI models brought forward in this research managed to outperform these detectors by a significant amount of time, providing precious anticipation that could help to minimize the effects of fires further.


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