Identifying Causal Effects Using Instrumental Variables from the Auxiliary Population

by   Kang Shuai, et al.

Instrumental variable approaches have gained popularity for estimating causal effects in the presence of unmeasured confounding. However, the availability of instrumental variables in the primary population is often challenged due to stringent and untestable assumptions. This paper presents a novel method to identify and estimate causal effects in the primary population by utilizing instrumental variables from the auxiliary population, incorporating a structural equation model, even in scenarios with nonlinear treatment effects. Our approach involves using two datasets: one from the primary population with joint observations of treatment and outcome, and another from the auxiliary population providing information about the instrument and treatment. Our strategy differs from most existing methods by not depending on the simultaneous measurements of instrument and outcome. The central idea for identifying causal effects is to establish a valid substitute through the auxiliary population, addressing unmeasured confounding. This is achieved by developing a control function and projecting it onto the function space spanned by the treatment variable. We then propose a three-step estimator for estimating causal effects and derive its asymptotic results. We illustrate the proposed estimator through simulation studies, and the results demonstrate favorable performance. We also conduct a real data analysis to evaluate the causal effect between vitamin D status and BMI.


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