I/O Burst Prediction for HPC Clusters using Darshan Logs

by   Ehsan Saeedizade, et al.

Understanding cluster-wide I/O patterns of large-scale HPC clusters is essential to minimize the occurrence and impact of I/O interference. Yet, most previous work in this area focused on monitoring and predicting task and node-level I/O burst events. This paper analyzes Darshan reports from three supercomputers to extract system-level read and write I/O rates in five minutes intervals. We observe significant (over 100x) fluctuations in read and write I/O rates in all three clusters. We then train machine learning models to estimate the occurrence of system-level I/O bursts 5 - 120 minutes ahead. Evaluation results show that we can predict I/O bursts with more than 90 accuracy (F-1 score) five minutes ahead and more than 87 ahead. We also show that the ML models attain more than 70 estimating the degree of the I/O burst. We believe that high-accuracy predictions of I/O bursts can be used in multiple ways, such as postponing delay-tolerant I/O operations (e.g., checkpointing), pausing nonessential applications (e.g., file system scrubbers), and devising I/O-aware job scheduling methods. To validate this claim, we simulated a burst-aware job scheduler that can postpone the start time of applications to avoid I/O bursts. We show that the burst-aware job scheduling can lead to an up to 5x decrease in application runtime.


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