Hyperspherical embedding for novel class classification

by   Rafael S. Pereira, et al.

Deep learning models have become increasingly useful in many different industries. On the domain of image classification, convolutional neural networks proved the ability to learn robust features for the closed set problem, as shown in many different datasets, such as MNIST FASHIONMNIST, CIFAR10, CIFAR100, and IMAGENET. These approaches use deep neural networks with dense layers with softmax activation functions in order to learn features that can separate classes in a latent space. However, this traditional approach is not useful for identifying classes unseen on the training set, known as the open set problem. A similar problem occurs in scenarios involving learning on small data. To tackle both problems, few-shot learning has been proposed. In particular, metric learning learns features that obey constraints of a metric distance in the latent space in order to perform classification. However, while this approach proves to be useful for the open set problem, current implementation requires pair-wise training, where both positive and negative examples of similar images are presented during the training phase, which limits the applicability of these approaches in large data or large class scenarios given the combinatorial nature of the possible inputs.In this paper, we present a constraint-based approach applied to the representations in the latent space under the normalized softmax loss, proposed by[18]. We experimentally validate the proposed approach for the classification of unseen classes on different datasets using both metric learning and the normalized softmax loss, on disjoint and joint scenarios. Our results show that not only our proposed strategy can be efficiently trained on larger set of classes, as it does not require pairwise learning, but also present better classification results than the metric learning strategies surpassing its accuracy by a significant margin.


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