HyperFormer: Enhancing Entity and Relation Interaction for Hyper-Relational Knowledge Graph Completion

by   Zhiwei Hu, et al.

Hyper-relational knowledge graphs (HKGs) extend standard knowledge graphs by associating attribute-value qualifiers to triples, which effectively represent additional fine-grained information about its associated triple. Hyper-relational knowledge graph completion (HKGC) aims at inferring unknown triples while considering its qualifiers. Most existing approaches to HKGC exploit a global-level graph structure to encode hyper-relational knowledge into the graph convolution message passing process. However, the addition of multi-hop information might bring noise into the triple prediction process. To address this problem, we propose HyperFormer, a model that considers local-level sequential information, which encodes the content of the entities, relations and qualifiers of a triple. More precisely, HyperFormer is composed of three different modules: an entity neighbor aggregator module allowing to integrate the information of the neighbors of an entity to capture different perspectives of it; a relation qualifier aggregator module to integrate hyper-relational knowledge into the corresponding relation to refine the representation of relational content; a convolution-based bidirectional interaction module based on a convolutional operation, capturing pairwise bidirectional interactions of entity-relation, entity-qualifier, and relation-qualifier. realize the depth perception of the content related to the current statement. Furthermore, we introduce a Mixture-of-Experts strategy into the feed-forward layers of HyperFormer to strengthen its representation capabilities while reducing the amount of model parameters and computation. Extensive experiments on three well-known datasets with four different conditions demonstrate HyperFormer's effectiveness. Datasets and code are available at https://github.com/zhiweihu1103/HKGC-HyperFormer.


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