Hybrid Residual Attention Network for Single Image Super Resolution

by   Abdul Muqeet, et al.

The extraction and proper utilization of convolution neural network (CNN) features have a significant impact on the performance of image super-resolution (SR). Although CNN features contain both the spatial and channel information, current deep techniques on SR often suffer to maximize performance due to using either the spatial or channel information. Moreover, they integrate such information within a deep or wide network rather than exploiting all the available features, eventually resulting in high computational complexity. To address these issues, we present a binarized feature fusion (BFF) structure that utilizes the extracted features from residual groups (RG) in an effective way. Each residual group (RG) consists of multiple hybrid residual attention blocks (HRAB) that effectively integrates the multiscale feature extraction module and channel attention mechanism in a single block. Furthermore, we use dilated convolutions with different dilation factors to extract multiscale features. We also propose to adopt global, short and long skip connections and residual groups (RG) structure to ease the flow of information without losing important features details. In the paper, we call this overall network architecture as hybrid residual attention network (HRAN). In the experiment, we have observed the efficacy of our method against the state-of-the-art methods for both the quantitative and qualitative comparisons.


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