hybrid-Flacon: Hybrid Pattern Malware Detection and Categorization with Network Traffic andProgram Code
Nowadays, Android is the most dominant operating system in the mobile ecosystem, with billions of people using its apps daily. As expected, this trend did not go unnoticed by miscreants, and Android became the favorite platform for discovering new victims through malicious apps. Moreover, these apps have become so sophisticated that they can bypass anti-malware measures to protect the users. Therefore, it is safe to admit that traditional anti-malware techniques have become cumbersome, sparking the urge to develop an efficient way to detect Android malware. This paper presents hybrid-Flacon, a hybrid pattern Android malware detection and categorization framework. It combines dynamic and static features of Android malware, which are from network traffic and code graph structure. In hybrid-Flacon, we treat network traffic as a dynamic feature and process it as a 2D image sequence. Meanwhile, hybrid-Flacon handles each network flow in the packet as a 2D image and uses a bidirectional LSTM network to process those 2D-image sequences to obtain vectors representing network packets. We use the program code graph for a static feature and introduce natural language processing (NLP) inspired techniques on function call graph (FCG). We design a graph neural network-based approach to convert the whole graph structure of Android apps to vectors. Finally, We utilize those converted vectors, both network and program code features, and concatenate them to detect and categorize the malware. Our results reveal that hybrid-Flacon yields better results as we get 97.16 accuracy for malware categorization. Additionally, we release a dataset AndroNetMnist, which converts the network traffic to a 2D-image sequence and helps to accomplish malware detection on a 2D-image sequence.