Hybrid ASP-based multi-objective scheduling of semiconductor manufacturing processes (Extended version)

Modern semiconductor manufacturing involves intricate production processes consisting of hundreds of operations, which can take several months from lot release to completion. The high-tech machines used in these processes are diverse, operate on individual wafers, lots, or batches in multiple stages, and necessitate product-specific setups and specialized maintenance procedures. This situation is different from traditional job-shop scheduling scenarios, which have less complex production processes and machines, and mainly focus on solving highly combinatorial but abstract scheduling problems. In this work, we address the scheduling of realistic semiconductor manufacturing processes by modeling their specific requirements using hybrid Answer Set Programming with difference logic, incorporating flexible machine processing, setup, batching and maintenance operations. Unlike existing methods that schedule semiconductor manufacturing processes locally with greedy heuristics or by independently optimizing specific machine group allocations, we examine the potentials of large-scale scheduling subject to multiple optimization objectives.


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