HushRelay: A Privacy-Preserving, Efficient, and Scalable Routing Algorithm for Off-Chain Payments

by   Subhra Mazumdar, et al.

Payment channel networks (PCN) are used in cryptocurrencies to enhance the performance and scalability of off-chain transactions. Except for opening and closing of a payment channel, no other transaction requests accepted by a PCN are recorded in the Blockchain. Only the parties which have opened the channel will know the exact amount of fund left at a given instant. In real scenarios, there might not exist a single path which can enable transfer of high value payments. For such cases, splitting up the transaction value across multiple paths is a better approach. While there exists several approaches which route transactions via several paths, such techniques are quite inefficient, as the decision on the number of splits must be taken at the initial phase of the routing algorithm (e.g., SpeedyMurmur [42]). Algorithms which do not consider the residual capacity of each channel in the network are susceptible to failure. Other approaches leak sensitive information, and are quite computationally expensive [28]. To the best of our knowledge, our proposed scheme HushRelay is an efficient privacy preserving routing algorithm, taking into account the funds left in each channel, while splitting the transaction value across several paths. Comparing the performance of our algorithm with existing routing schemes on real instances (e.g., Ripple Network), we observed that HushRelay attains a success ratio of 1, with an execution time of 2.4 sec. However, SpeedyMurmur [42] attains a success ratio of 0.98 and takes 4.74 sec when the number of landmarks is 6. On testing our proposed routing algorithm on the Lightning Network, a success ratio of 0.99 is observed, having an execution time of 0.15 sec, which is 12 times smaller than the time taken by SpeedyMurmur.


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