How to estimate the total number of citations of a researcher using his h index and his h core?

by   Romeo Meštrović, et al.

So far, many researchers have investigated the following question: Given total number of citations, what is the estimated range of the h index? Here we consider the converse question. Namely, the aim of this paper is to estimate the total number of citations of a researcher using only his h index, his h core and perhaps a relatively small number of his citations from the tail. For these purposes, we use the asymptotic formula for the mode size of the Durfee square when n tends to infinity, which was proved by Canfield, Corteel and Savage (1998), seven years before Hirsch (2005) defined the h index. This formula confirms the asymptotic normality of the Hirsch citation h index. Using this asymptotic formula, in Section 4 we propose five? estimates of a total number of citations of a researcher using his h index and his h core. These estimates are refined mainly using small additional citations from the h tail of a researcher. Related numerous computational results are given in Section 5. Notice that the relative errors delta(B) of the estimate B of a total number of citations of a researcher are surprisingly close to zero for E. Garfield, H.D. White (Table 2), G. Andrews, L. Leydesdorf and C.D. Savage (Table 5).


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