How To Control Text Simplification? An Empirical Study of Control Tokens for Meaning Preserving Controlled Simplification

by   Sweta Agrawal, et al.

Text simplification rewrites text to be more readable for a specific audience, while preserving its meaning. However, determining what makes a text easy to read depends on who are the intended readers. Recent work has introduced a wealth of techniques to control output simplicity, ranging from specifying the desired reading grade level to providing control tokens that directly encode low-level simplification edit operations. However, it remains unclear how to set the input parameters that control simplification in practice. Existing approaches set them at the corpus level, disregarding the complexity of individual source text, and do not directly evaluate them at the instance level. In this work, we conduct an empirical study to understand how different control mechanisms impact the adequacy and simplicity of model outputs. Based on these insights, we introduce a simple method for predicting control tokens at the sentence level to enhance the quality of the simplified text. Predicting control token values using features extracted from the original complex text and a user-specified degree of complexity improves the quality of the simplified outputs over corpus-level search-based heuristics.


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