How human judgment impairs automated deception detection performance

by   Bennett Kleinberg, et al.

Background: Deception detection is a prevalent problem for security practitioners. With a need for more large-scale approaches, automated methods using machine learning have gained traction. However, detection performance still implies considerable error rates. Findings from other domains suggest that hybrid human-machine integrations could offer a viable path in deception detection tasks. Method: We collected a corpus of truthful and deceptive answers about participants' autobiographical intentions (n=1640) and tested whether a combination of supervised machine learning and human judgment could improve deception detection accuracy. Human judges were presented with the outcome of the automated credibility judgment of truthful and deceptive statements. They could either fully overrule it (hybrid-overrule condition) or adjust it within a given boundary (hybrid-adjust condition). Results: The data suggest that in neither of the hybrid conditions did the human judgment add a meaningful contribution. Machine learning in isolation identified truth-tellers and liars with an overall accuracy of 69 hybrid-overrule decisions brought the accuracy back to the chance level. The hybrid-adjust condition did not deception detection performance. The decision-making strategies of humans suggest that the truth bias - the tendency to assume the other is telling the truth - could explain the detrimental effect. Conclusion: The current study does not support the notion that humans can meaningfully add to the deception detection performance of a machine learning system.


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