Homomorphic Encryption: An Analysis of its Applications in Searchable Encryption

by   Ivone Amorim, et al.

The widespread adoption of cloud infrastructures has revolutionised data storage and access. However, it has also raised concerns regarding the privacy of sensitive data stored in the cloud. To address these concerns, encryption techniques have been widely used. However, traditional encryption schemes limit the efficient search and retrieval of encrypted data. To tackle this challenge, innovative approaches have emerged, such as the utilisation of Homomorphic Encryption (HE) in Searchable Encryption (SE) schemes. This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the advancements in HE-based privacy-preserving techniques, focusing on their application in SE. The main contributions of this work include the identification and classification of existing SE schemes that utilize HE, a comprehensive analysis of the types of HE used in SE, an examination of how HE shapes the search process structure and enables additional functionalities, and the identification of promising directions for future research in HE-based SE. The findings reveal the increasing usage of HE in SE schemes, particularly Partially Homomorphic Encryption. The analysis also highlights the prevalence of index-based SE schemes using HE, the support for ranked search and multi-keyword queries, and the need for further exploration in functionalities such as verifiability and the ability to authorise and revoke users. Future research directions include exploring the usage of other encryption schemes alongside HE, addressing omissions in functionalities like fuzzy keyword search, and leveraging recent advancements in Fully Homomorphic Encryption schemes.


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