Hierarchical classification method based on selective learning of slacked hierarchy for activity recognition systems

by   Sunder Ali Khowaja, et al.

Physical activity recognition using wearable sensors has gained significant interest from researchers working in the field of ambient intelligence and human behavior analysis. The problem of multi-class classification is an important issue in the applications which naturally has more than two classes. A well-known strategy to convert a multi-class classification problem into binary sub-problems is the error-correcting output coding (ECOC) method. Since existing methods use a single classifier with ECOC without considering the dependency among multiple classifiers, it often fails to generalize the performance and parameters in a real-life application, where different numbers of devices, sensors and sampling rates are used. To address this problem, we propose a unique hierarchical classification model based on the combination of two base binary classifiers using selective learning of slacked hierarchy and integrating the training of binary classifiers into a unified objective function. Our method maps the multi-class classification problem to multi-level classification. A multi-tier voting scheme has been introduced to provide a final classification label at each level of the solicited model. The proposed method is evaluated on two publicly available datasets and compared with independent base classifiers. Furthermore, it has also been tested on real-life sensor readings for 3 different subjects to recognize four activities i.e. Walking, Standing, Jogging and Sitting. The presented method uses same hierarchical levels and parameters to achieve better performance on all three datasets having different number of devices, sensors and sampling rates. The average accuracies on publicly available dataset and real-life sensor readings were recorded to be 95% and 85%, respectively. The experimental results validate the effectiveness and generality of the proposed method in terms of performance and parameters.


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