Heterogeneous Graph Tree Networks

by   Nan Wu, et al.

Heterogeneous graph neural networks (HGNNs) have attracted increasing research interest in recent three years. Most existing HGNNs fall into two classes. One class is meta-path-based HGNNs which either require domain knowledge to handcraft meta-paths or consume huge amount of time and memory to automatically construct meta-paths. The other class does not rely on meta-path construction. It takes homogeneous convolutional graph neural networks (Conv-GNNs) as backbones and extend them to heterogeneous graphs by introducing node-type- and edge-type-dependent parameters. Regardless of the meta-path dependency, most existing HGNNs employ shallow Conv-GNNs such as GCN and GAT to aggregate neighborhood information, and may have limited capability to capture information from high-order neighborhood. In this work, we propose two heterogeneous graph tree network models: Heterogeneous Graph Tree Convolutional Network (HetGTCN) and Heterogeneous Graph Tree Attention Network (HetGTAN), which do not rely on meta-paths to encode heterogeneity in both node features and graph structure. Extensive experiments on three real-world heterogeneous graph data demonstrate that the proposed HetGTCN and HetGTAN are efficient and consistently outperform all state-of-the-art HGNN baselines on semi-supervised node classification tasks, and can go deep without compromising performance.


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