Heavy-Tailed Pitman–Yor Mixture Models

by   Vianey Palacios Ramirez, et al.

Heavy tails are often found in practice, and yet they are an Achilles heel of a variety of mainstream random probability measures such as the Dirichlet process. The first contribution of this paper focuses on the characterization of the tails of the so-called Pitman–Yor process, which includes the Dirichlet process as a particular case. We show that the right tail of a Pitman–Yor process, known as the stable law process, is heavy-tailed, provided that the centering distribution is itself heavy-tailed. A second contribution of the paper rests on the development of two classes of heavy-tailed mixture models and the assessment of their relative merits. Multivariate extensions of the proposed heavy-tailed mixtures are here devised along with a predictor-dependent version so to learn about the effect of covariates on a multivariate heavy-tailed response. The simulation study suggests that the proposed method performs well in a variety of scenarios, and we showcase the application of the proposed methods in a neuroscience dataset.


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