HateMM: A Multi-Modal Dataset for Hate Video Classification

by   Mithun Das, et al.

Hate speech has become one of the most significant issues in modern society, having implications in both the online and the offline world. Due to this, hate speech research has recently gained a lot of traction. However, most of the work has primarily focused on text media with relatively little work on images and even lesser on videos. Thus, early stage automated video moderation techniques are needed to handle the videos that are being uploaded to keep the platform safe and healthy. With a view to detect and remove hateful content from the video sharing platforms, our work focuses on hate video detection using multi-modalities. To this end, we curate  43 hours of videos from BitChute and manually annotate them as hate or non-hate, along with the frame spans which could explain the labelling decision. To collect the relevant videos we harnessed search keywords from hate lexicons. We observe various cues in images and audio of hateful videos. Further, we build deep learning multi-modal models to classify the hate videos and observe that using all the modalities of the videos improves the overall hate speech detection performance (accuracy=0.798, macro F1-score=0.790) by  5.7 model in terms of macro F1 score. In summary, our work takes the first step toward understanding and modeling hateful videos on video hosting platforms such as BitChute.


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