Greedy Learning of Markov Network Structure
We propose a new yet natural algorithm for learning the graph structure of general discrete graphical models (a.k.a. Markov random fields) from samples. Our algorithm finds the neighborhood of a node by sequentially adding nodes that produce the largest reduction in empirical conditional entropy; it is greedy in the sense that the choice of addition is based only on the reduction achieved at that iteration. Its sequential nature gives it a lower computational complexity as compared to other existing comparison-based techniques, all of which involve exhaustive searches over every node set of a certain size. Our main result characterizes the sample complexity of this procedure, as a function of node degrees, graph size and girth in factor-graph representation. We subsequently specialize this result to the case of Ising models, where we provide a simple transparent characterization of sample complexity as a function of model and graph parameters. For tree graphs, our algorithm is the same as the classical Chow-Liu algorithm, and in that sense can be considered the extension of the same to graphs with cycles.