Graphical Criteria for Efficient Total Effect Estimation via Adjustment in Causal Linear Models
Covariate adjustment is commonly used for total causal effect estimation. In recent years, graphical criteria have been developed to identify all covariate sets that can be used for this purpose. Different valid adjustment sets typically provide causal effect estimates of varying accuracies. We introduce a graphical criterion to compare the asymptotic variance provided by certain valid adjustment sets in a causal linear model. We employ this result to develop two further graphical tools. First, we introduce a simple variance reducing pruning procedure for any given valid adjustment set. Second, we give a graphical characterization of a valid adjustment set that provides the optimal asymptotic variance among all valid adjustment sets. Our results depend only on the graphical structure and not on the specific error variances or the edge coefficients of the underlying causal linear model. They can be applied to DAGs, CPDAGs and maximally oriented PDAGs. We present simulations and a real data example to support our results and show their practical applicability.