Graph Neural Stochastic Differential Equations for Learning Brownian Dynamics

by   Suresh Bishnoi, et al.

Neural networks (NNs) that exploit strong inductive biases based on physical laws and symmetries have shown remarkable success in learning the dynamics of physical systems directly from their trajectory. However, these works focus only on the systems that follow deterministic dynamics, for instance, Newtonian or Hamiltonian dynamics. Here, we propose a framework, namely Brownian graph neural networks (BROGNET), combining stochastic differential equations (SDEs) and GNNs to learn Brownian dynamics directly from the trajectory. We theoretically show that BROGNET conserves the linear momentum of the system, which in turn, provides superior performance on learning dynamics as revealed empirically. We demonstrate this approach on several systems, namely, linear spring, linear spring with binary particle types, and non-linear spring systems, all following Brownian dynamics at finite temperatures. We show that BROGNET significantly outperforms proposed baselines across all the benchmarked Brownian systems. In addition, we demonstrate zero-shot generalizability of BROGNET to simulate unseen system sizes that are two orders of magnitude larger and to different temperatures than those used during training. Altogether, our study contributes to advancing the understanding of the intricate dynamics of Brownian motion and demonstrates the effectiveness of graph neural networks in modeling such complex systems.


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