Graph Convolution Based Efficient Re-Ranking for Visual Retrieval

by   Yuqi Zhang, et al.

Visual retrieval tasks such as image retrieval and person re-identification (Re-ID) aim at effectively and thoroughly searching images with similar content or the same identity. After obtaining retrieved examples, re-ranking is a widely adopted post-processing step to reorder and improve the initial retrieval results by making use of the contextual information from semantically neighboring samples. Prevailing re-ranking approaches update distance metrics and mostly rely on inefficient crosscheck set comparison operations while computing expanded neighbors based distances. In this work, we present an efficient re-ranking method which refines initial retrieval results by updating features. Specifically, we reformulate re-ranking based on Graph Convolution Networks (GCN) and propose a novel Graph Convolution based Re-ranking (GCR) for visual retrieval tasks via feature propagation. To accelerate computation for large-scale retrieval, a decentralized and synchronous feature propagation algorithm which supports parallel or distributed computing is introduced. In particular, the plain GCR is extended for cross-camera retrieval and an improved feature propagation formulation is presented to leverage affinity relationships across different cameras. It is also extended for video-based retrieval, and Graph Convolution based Re-ranking for Video (GCRV) is proposed by mathematically deriving a novel profile vector generation method for the tracklet. Without bells and whistles, the proposed approaches achieve state-of-the-art performances on seven benchmark datasets from three different tasks, i.e., image retrieval, person Re-ID and video-based person Re-ID.


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