Gradient-based Bayesian Experimental Design for Implicit Models using Mutual Information Lower Bounds

by   Steven Kleinegesse, et al.

We introduce a framework for Bayesian experimental design (BED) with implicit models, where the data-generating distribution is intractable but sampling from it is still possible. In order to find optimal experimental designs for such models, our approach maximises mutual information lower bounds that are parametrised by neural networks. By training a neural network on sampled data, we simultaneously update network parameters and designs using stochastic gradient-ascent. The framework enables experimental design with a variety of prominent lower bounds and can be applied to a wide range of scientific tasks, such as parameter estimation, model discrimination and improving future predictions. Using a set of intractable toy models, we provide a comprehensive empirical comparison of prominent lower bounds applied to the aforementioned tasks. We further validate our framework on a challenging system of stochastic differential equations from epidemiology.


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