Geometric Projectors: Geometric Constraints based Optimization for Robot Behaviors

by   Xuemin Chi, et al.

Generating motion for robots that interact with objects of various shapes is a complex challenge, further complicated when the robot's own geometry and multiple desired behaviors are considered. To address this issue, we introduce a new framework based on Geometric Projectors (GeoPro) for constrained optimization. This novel framework allows for the generation of task-agnostic behaviors that are compliant with geometric constraints. GeoPro streamlines the design of behaviors in both task and configuration spaces, offering diverse functionalities such as collision avoidance and goal-reaching, while maintaining high computational efficiency. We validate the efficacy of our work through simulations and Franka Emika robotic experiments, comparing its performance against state-of-the-art methodologies. This comprehensive evaluation highlights GeoPro's versatility in accommodating robots with varying dynamics and precise geometric shapes. For additional materials, please visit:


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