GENIUS: A Novel Solution for Subteam Replacement with Clustering-based Graph Neural Network

by   Chuxuan Hu, et al.

Subteam replacement is defined as finding the optimal candidate set of people who can best function as an unavailable subset of members (i.e., subteam) for certain reasons (e.g., conflicts of interests, employee churn), given a team of people embedded in a social network working on the same task. Prior investigations on this problem incorporate graph kernel as the optimal criteria for measuring the similarity between the new optimized team and the original team. However, the increasingly abundant social networks reveal fundamental limitations of existing methods, including (1) the graph kernel-based approaches are powerless to capture the key intrinsic correlations among node features, (2) they generally search over the entire network for every member to be replaced, making it extremely inefficient as the network grows, and (3) the requirement of equal-sized replacement for the unavailable subteam can be inapplicable due to limited hiring budget. In this work, we address the limitations in the state-of-the-art for subteam replacement by (1) proposing GENIUS, a novel clustering-based graph neural network (GNN) framework that can capture team network knowledge for flexible subteam replacement, and (2) equipping the proposed GENIUS with self-supervised positive team contrasting training scheme to improve the team-level representation learning and unsupervised node clusters to prune candidates for fast computation. Through extensive empirical evaluations, we demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed method (1) effectiveness: being able to select better candidate members that significantly increase the similarity between the optimized and original teams, and (2) efficiency: achieving more than 600 times speed-up in average running time.


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