Generative Proxemics: A Prior for 3D Social Interaction from Images

by   Lea Müller, et al.

Social interaction is a fundamental aspect of human behavior and communication. The way individuals position themselves in relation to others, also known as proxemics, conveys social cues and affects the dynamics of social interaction. We present a novel approach that learns a 3D proxemics prior of two people in close social interaction. Since collecting a large 3D dataset of interacting people is a challenge, we rely on 2D image collections where social interactions are abundant. We achieve this by reconstructing pseudo-ground truth 3D meshes of interacting people from images with an optimization approach using existing ground-truth contact maps. We then model the proxemics using a novel denoising diffusion model called BUDDI that learns the joint distribution of two people in close social interaction directly in the SMPL-X parameter space. Sampling from our generative proxemics model produces realistic 3D human interactions, which we validate through a user study. Additionally, we introduce a new optimization method that uses the diffusion prior to reconstruct two people in close proximity from a single image without any contact annotation. Our approach recovers more accurate and plausible 3D social interactions from noisy initial estimates and outperforms state-of-the-art methods. See our project site for code, data, and model:


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