Generative Hypergraph Models and Spectral Embedding

by   Xue Gong, et al.

Many complex systems involve interactions between more than two agents. Hypergraphs capture these higher-order interactions through hyperedges that may link more than two nodes. We consider the problem of embedding a hypergraph into low-dimensional Euclidean space so that most interactions are short-range. This embedding is relevant to many follow-on tasks, such as node reordering, clustering, and visualization. We focus on two spectral embedding algorithms customized to hypergraphs which recover linear and periodic structures respectively. In the periodic case, nodes are positioned on the unit circle. We show that the two spectral hypergraph embedding algorithms are associated with a new class of generative hypergraph models. These models generate hyperedges according to node positions in the embedded space and encourage short-range connections. They allow us to quantify the relative presence of periodic and linear structures in the data through maximum likelihood. They also improve the interpretability of node embedding and provide a metric for hyperedge prediction. We demonstrate the hypergraph embedding and follow-on tasks – including structure quantification, clustering and hyperedge prediction – on synthetic and real-world hypergraphs. We find that the hypergraph approach can outperform clustering algorithms that use only dyadic edges. We also compare several triadic edge prediction methods on high school contact data where our algorithm improves upon benchmark methods when the amount of training data is limited.


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