Gaussian width bounds with applications to arithmetic progressions in random settings

by   Jop Briët, et al.

Motivated by two problems on arithmetic progressions (APs)---concerning large deviations for AP counts in random sets and random differences in Szemerédi's theorem---we prove upper bounds on the Gaussian width of the image of the n-dimensional Boolean hypercube under a mapping ψ:R^n→R^k, where each coordinate is a constant-degree multilinear polynomial with 0/1 coefficients. We show the following applications of our bounds. Let [Z/NZ]_p be the random subset of Z/NZ containing each element independently with probability p. - Let X_k be the number of k-term APs in [Z/NZ]_p. We show that a precise estimate on the large deviation rate [X_k ≥ (1+δ)EX_k] due to Bhattacharya, Ganguly, Shao and Zhao is valid if p ≥ω(N^-c_k N) for c_k = (6k(k-1)/2)^-1, which slightly improves their bound of c_k = (6k(k-1))^-1 for k ≥ 5 (and matching their c_3 and c_4). - A set D⊆Z/NZ is ℓ-intersective if every dense subset of Z/NZ contains a non-trivial (ℓ+1)-term AP with common difference in D. We show that [Z/NZ]_p is ℓ-intersective with probability 1 - o_N(1) provided p ≥ω(N^-β_ℓ N) for β_ℓ = ((ℓ+1)/2)^-1, improving the bound β_ℓ =(ℓ+1)^-1 due to Frantzikinakis, Lesigne and Wierdl for ℓ≥ 2 and reproving more directly the same result shown recently by the authors and Dvir. In addition, we discuss some intriguing connections with special kinds of error correcting codes (locally decodable codes) and the Banach-space notion of type for injective tensor products of ℓ_p-spaces.


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