G-Scan: Graph Neural Networks for Line-Level Vulnerability Identification in Smart Contracts

by   Christoph Sendner, et al.

Due to the immutable and decentralized nature of Ethereum (ETH) platform, smart contracts are prone to security risks that can result in financial loss. While existing machine learning-based vulnerability detection algorithms achieve high accuracy at the contract level, they require developers to manually inspect source code to locate bugs. To this end, we present G-Scan, the first end-to-end fine-grained line-level vulnerability detection system evaluated on the first-of-its-kind real world dataset. G-Scan first converts smart contracts to code graphs in a dependency and hierarchy preserving manner. Next, we train a graph neural network to identify vulnerable nodes and assess security risks. Finally, the code graphs with node vulnerability predictions are mapped back to the smart contracts for line-level localization. We train and evaluate G-Scan on a collected real world smart contracts dataset with line-level annotations on reentrancy vulnerability, one of the most common and severe types of smart contract vulnerabilities. With the well-designed graph representation and high-quality dataset, G-Scan achieves 93.02 contract-level vulnerability detection and 93.69 vulnerability localization. Additionally, the lightweight graph neural network enables G-Scan to localize vulnerabilities in 6.1k lines of code smart contract within 1.2 seconds.


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