Fuse and Attend: Generalized Embedding Learning for Art and Sketches

by   Ujjal Kr Dutta, et al.

While deep Embedding Learning approaches have witnessed widespread success in multiple computer vision tasks, the state-of-the-art methods for representing natural images need not necessarily perform well on images from other domains, such as paintings, cartoons, and sketch. This is because of the huge shift in the distribution of data from across these domains, as compared to natural images. Domains like sketch often contain sparse informative pixels. However, recognizing objects in such domains is crucial, given multiple relevant applications leveraging such data, for instance, sketch to image retrieval. Thus, achieving an Embedding Learning model that could perform well across multiple domains is not only challenging, but plays a pivotal role in computer vision. To this end, in this paper, we propose a novel Embedding Learning approach with the goal of generalizing across different domains. During training, given a query image from a domain, we employ gated fusion and attention to generate a positive example, which carries a broad notion of the semantics of the query object category (from across multiple domains). By virtue of Contrastive Learning, we pull the embeddings of the query and positive, in order to learn a representation which is robust across domains. At the same time, to teach the model to be discriminative against examples from different semantic categories (across domains), we also maintain a pool of negative embeddings (from different categories). We show the prowess of our method using the DomainBed framework, on the popular PACS (Photo, Art painting, Cartoon, and Sketch) dataset.


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