FSNet: Compression of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks by Filter Summary

by   Yingzhen Yang, et al.

We present a novel method of compression of deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). The proposed method reduces the number of parameters of each convolutional layer by learning a 3D tensor termed Filter Summary (FS). The convolutional filters are extracted from FS as overlapping 3D blocks, and nearby filters in FS share weights in their overlapping regions in a natural way. The resultant neural network based on such weight sharing scheme, termed Filter Summary CNNs or FSNet, has a FS in each convolution layer instead of a set of independent filters in the conventional convolution layer. FSNet has the same architecture as that of the baseline CNN to be compressed, and each convolution layer of FSNet generates the same number of filters from FS as that of the basline CNN in the forward process. Without hurting the inference speed, the parameter space of FSNet is much smaller than that of the baseline CNN. In addition, FSNet is compatible with weight quantization, leading to even higher compression ratio when combined with weight quantization. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of FSNet in compression of CNNs for computer vision tasks including image classification and object detection. For classification task, FSNet of 0.22M effective parameters has prediction accuracy of 93.91 using ResNet-18 of 11.18M parameters as baseline. Furthermore, FSNet version of ResNet-50 with 2.75M effective parameters achieves the top-1 and top-5 accuracy of 63.80 task, FSNet is used to compress the Single Shot MultiBox Detector (SSD300) of 26.32M parameters. FSNet of 0.45M effective parameters achieves mAP of 67.63 on the VOC2007 test data with weight quantization, and FSNet of 0.68M parameters achieves mAP of 70.00 data.


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