From Trailers to Storylines: An Efficient Way to Learn from Movies
The millions of movies produced in the human history are valuable resources for computer vision research. However, learning a vision model from movie data would meet with serious difficulties. A major obstacle is the computational cost -- the length of a movie is often over one hour, which is substantially longer than the short video clips that previous study mostly focuses on. In this paper, we explore an alternative approach to learning vision models from movies. Specifically, we consider a framework comprised of a visual module and a temporal analysis module. Unlike conventional learning methods, the proposed approach learns these modules from different sets of data -- the former from trailers while the latter from movies. This allows distinctive visual features to be learned within a reasonable budget while still preserving long-term temporal structures across an entire movie. We construct a large-scale dataset for this study and define a series of tasks on top. Experiments on this dataset showed that the proposed method can substantially reduce the training time while obtaining highly effective features and coherent temporal structures.