From Smart Sensing to Consciousness: An info-structural model of computational consciousness for non-interacting agents

by   Gerardo Iovane, et al.

This study proposes a model of computational consciousness for non-interacting agents. The phenomenon of interest was assumed as sequentially dependent on the cognitive tasks of sensation, perception, emotion, affection, attention, awareness, and consciousness. Starting from the Smart Sensing prodromal study, the cognitive levels associated with the processes of attention, awareness, and consciousness were formally defined and tested together with the other processes concerning sensation, perception, emotion, and affection. The output of the model consists of an index that synthesizes the energetic and entropic contributions of consciousness from a computationally moral perspective. Attention was modeled through a bottom-up approach, while awareness and consciousness by distinguishing environment from subjective cognitive processes. By testing the solution on visual stimuli eliciting the emotions of happiness, anger, fear, surprise, contempt, sadness, disgust, and the neutral state, it was found that the proposed model is concordant with the scientific evidence concerning covert attention. Comparable results were also obtained regarding studies investigating awareness as a consequence of visual stimuli repetition, as well as those investigating moral judgments to visual stimuli eliciting disgust and sadness. The solution represents a novel approach for defining computational consciousness through artificial emotional activity and morality.


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