From Resource Auction to Service Auction: An Auction Paradigm Shift in Wireless Networks

by   Xianhao Chen, et al.

In 5G and beyond, the newly emerging services, such as edge computing/intelligence services, may demand the provision of heterogeneous communications, computing, and storage (CCS) resources on and across network entities multihop apart. In such cases, traditional resource-oriented auction schemes, where buyers place bids on resources, may not be effective in providing end-to-end (E2E) quality-of-service (QoS) guarantees. To overcome these limitations, in this article, we coin the concept of E2E service auction where the auction commodities are E2E services rather than certain resource. Under this framework, buyers simply bid for services with E2E QoS requirements without having to know the inner working (which resources are behind). To guarantee E2E QoS for winning bids while ensuring essential economic properties, E2E service auction requires addressing the joint problem of network optimization and auction design with both economical and QoS constraints. To substantiate the mechanism design, we illustrate how to devise E2E service auctions for edge computing systems under various scenarios. We also identify the research opportunities on E2E service auction mechanism design for other critical use cases, including edge intelligence.


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