From Node Interaction to Hop Interaction: New Effective and Scalable Graph Learning Paradigm

by   Jie Chen, et al.

Existing Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) follow the message-passing mechanism that conducts information interaction among nodes iteratively. While considerable progress has been made, such node interaction paradigms still have the following limitation. First, the scalability limitation precludes the wide application of GNNs in large-scale industrial settings since the node interaction among rapidly expanding neighbors incurs high computation and memory costs. Second, the over-smoothing problem restricts the discrimination ability of nodes, i.e., node representations of different classes will converge to indistinguishable after repeated node interactions. In this work, we propose a novel hop interaction paradigm to address these limitations simultaneously. The core idea of hop interaction is to convert the target of message-passing from nodes into multi-hop features inside each node. Specifically, it first pre-computed multi-hop features of nodes to reduce computation costs during training and inference. Then, it conducts a non-linear interaction among multi-hop features to enhance the discrimination of nodes. We design a simple yet effective HopGNN framework that can easily utilize existing GNNs to achieve hop interaction. Furthermore, we propose a multi-task learning strategy with a self-supervised learning objective to enhance HopGNN. We conduct extensive experiments on 12 benchmark datasets in a wide range of domains, scales, and smoothness of graphs. Experimental results show that our methods achieve superior performance while maintaining high scalability and efficiency.


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