From Counter-intuitive Observations to a Fresh Look at Recommender System

by   Aixin Sun, et al.

Recently, a few papers report counter-intuitive observations made from experiments on recommender system (RecSys). One observation is that users who spend more time and users who have many interactions with a recommendation system receive poorer recommendations. Another observation is that models trained by using only the more recent parts of a dataset show significant performance improvement. In this opinion paper, we interpret these counter-intuitive observations from two perspectives. First, the observations are made with respect to the global timeline of user-item interactions. Second, the observations are considered counter-intuitive because they contradict our expectation on a recommender: the more interactions a user has, the higher chance that the recommender better learns the user preference. For the first perspective, we discuss the importance of the global timeline by using the simplest baseline Popularity as a starting point. We answer two questions: (i) why the simplest model popularity is often ill-defined in academic research? and (ii) why the popularity baseline is evaluated in this way? The questions lead to a detailed discussion on the data leakage issue in many offline evaluations. As the result, model accuracies reported in many academic papers are less meaningful and incomparable. For the second perspective, we try to answer two more questions: (i) why models trained by using only the more recent parts of data demonstrate better performance? and (ii) why more interactions from users lead to poorer recommendations? The key to both questions is user preference modeling. We then propose to have a fresh look at RecSys. We discuss how to conduct more practical offline evaluations and possible ways to effectively model user preferences. The discussion and opinions in this paper are on top-N recommendation only, not on rating prediction.


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