Forensicability Assessment of Questioned Images in Recapturing Detection

by   Changsheng Chen, et al.

Recapture detection of face and document images is an important forensic task. With deep learning, the performances of face anti-spoofing (FAS) and recaptured document detection have been improved significantly. However, the performances are not yet satisfactory on samples with weak forensic cues. The amount of forensic cues can be quantified to allow a reliable forensic result. In this work, we propose a forensicability assessment network to quantify the forensicability of the questioned samples. The low-forensicability samples are rejected before the actual recapturing detection process to improve the efficiency of recapturing detection systems. We first extract forensicability features related to both image quality assessment and forensic tasks. By exploiting domain knowledge of the forensic application in image quality and forensic features, we define three task-specific forensicability classes and the initialized locations in the feature space. Based on the extracted features and the defined centers, we train the proposed forensic assessment network (FANet) with cross-entropy loss and update the centers with a momentum-based update method. We integrate the trained FANet with practical recapturing detection schemes in face anti-spoofing and recaptured document detection tasks. Experimental results show that, for a generic CNN-based FAS scheme, FANet reduces the EERs from 33.75 rejecting samples with the lowest 30 of FAS schemes is poor in the rejected samples, with EER as high as 56.48 Similar performances in rejecting low-forensicability samples have been observed for the state-of-the-art approaches in FAS and recaptured document detection tasks. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that assesses the forensicability of recaptured document images and improves the system efficiency.


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