First arrival picking using U-net with Lovasz loss and nearest point picking method

by   Pengyu Yuan, et al.

We proposed a robust segmentation and picking workflow to solve the first arrival picking problem for seismic signal processing. Unlike traditional classification algorithm, image segmentation method can utilize the location information by outputting a prediction map which has the same size of the input image. A parameter-free nearest point picking algorithm is proposed to further improve the accuracy of the first arrival picking. The algorithm is test on synthetic clean data, synthetic noisy data, synthetic picking-disconnected data and field data. It performs well on all of them and the picking deviation reaches as low as 4.8ms per receiver. The first arrival picking problem is formulated as the contour detection problem. Similar to <cit.>, we use U-net to perform the segmentation as it is proven to be state-of-the-art in many image segmentation tasks. Particularly, a Lovasz loss instead of the traditional cross-entropy loss is used to train the network for a better segmentation performance. Lovasz loss is a surrogate loss for Jaccard index or the so-called intersection-over-union (IoU) score, which is often one of the most used metrics for segmentation tasks. In the picking part, we use a novel nearest point picking (NPP) method to take the advantage of the coherence of the first arrival picking among adjacent receivers. Our model is tested and validated on both synthetic and field data with harmonic noises. The main contributions of this paper are as follows: 1. Used Lovasz loss to directly optimize the IoU for segmentation task. Improvement over the cross-entropy loss with regard to the segmentation accuracy is verified by the test result. 2. Proposed a nearest point picking post processing method to overcome any defects left by the segmentation output. 3. Conducted noise analysis and verified the model with both noisy synthetic and field datasets.


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