Finite-element discretization of the smectic density equation

by   Patrick E. Farrell, et al.

The density variation of smectic A liquid crystals is modelled by a fourth-order PDE, which exhibits two complications over the biharmonic or other typical H^2-elliptic fourth-order problems. First, the equation involves a “Hessian-squared” (div-div-grad-grad) operator, rather than a biharmonic (div-grad-div-grad) operator. Secondly, while positive-definite, the equation has a “wrong-sign” shift, making it somewhat more akin to a Helmholtz operator, with lowest-energy modes arising from certain plane waves, than an elliptic one. In this paper, we analyze and compare three finite-element formulations for such PDEs, based on H^2-conforming elements, the C^0 interior penalty method, and a mixed finite-element formulation that explicitly introduces approximations to the gradient of the solution and a Lagrange multiplier. The conforming method is simple but is impractical to apply in three dimensions; the interior-penalty method works well in two and three dimensions but has lower-order convergence and (in preliminary experiments) seems difficult to precondition; the mixed method uses more degrees of freedom, but works well in both two and three dimensions, and is amenable to monolithic multigrid preconditioning. Numerical results verify the finite-element convergence for all discretizations, and illustrate the trade-offs between the three schemes.


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