Fine-tuning of sign language recognition models: a technical report

by   Maxim Novopoltsev, et al.

Sign Language Recognition (SLR) is an essential yet challenging task since sign language is performed with the fast and complex movement of hand gestures, body posture, and even facial expressions. Language Recognition In this work, we focused on investigating two questions: how fine-tuning on datasets from other sign languages helps improve sign recognition quality, and whether sign recognition is possible in real-time without using GPU. Three different languages datasets (American sign language WLASL, Turkish - AUTSL, Russian - RSL) have been used to validate the models. The average speed of this system has reached 3 predictions per second, which meets the requirements for the real-time scenario. This model (prototype) will benefit speech or hearing impaired people talk with other trough internet. We also investigated how the additional training of the model in another sign language affects the quality of recognition. The results show that further training of the model on the data of another sign language almost always leads to an improvement in the quality of gesture recognition. We also provide code for reproducing model training experiments, converting models to ONNX format, and inference for real-time gesture recognition.


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