Finding Optimal 2-Packing Sets on Arbitrary Graphs at Scale

by   Jannick Borowitz, et al.

A 2-packing set for an undirected graph G=(V,E) is a subset ๐’ฎโŠ‚ V such that any two vertices v_1,v_2 โˆˆ๐’ฎ have no common neighbors. Finding a 2-packing set of maximum cardinality is a NP-hard problem. We develop a new approach to solve this problem on arbitrary graphs using its close relation to the independent set problem. Thereby, our algorithm red2pack uses new data reduction rules specific to the 2-packing set problem as well as a graph transformation. Our experiments show that we outperform the state-of-the-art for arbitrary graphs with respect to solution quality and also are able to compute solutions multiple orders of magnitude faster than previously possible. For example, we are able to solve 63 optimality in less than a second while the competitor for arbitrary graphs can only solve 5 time limit. Moreover, our approach can solve a wide range of large instances that have previously been unsolved.


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