Finding Failure-Inducing Test Cases with ChatGPT

by   Tsz On Li, et al.

Automatically detecting software failures is an important task and a longstanding challenge. It requires finding failure-inducing test cases whose test input can trigger the software's fault, and constructing an automated oracle to detect the software's incorrect behaviors. Recent advancement of large language models (LLMs) motivates us to study how far this challenge can be addressed by ChatGPT, a state-of-the-art LLM. Unfortunately, our study shows that ChatGPT has a low probability (28.8 test cases for buggy programs. A possible reason is that finding failure-inducing test cases requires analyzing the subtle code differences between a buggy program and its correct version. When these two versions have similar syntax, ChatGPT is weak at recognizing subtle code differences. Our insight is that ChatGPT's performance can be substantially enhanced when ChatGPT is guided to focus on the subtle code difference. We have an interesting observation that ChatGPT is effective in inferring the intended behaviors of a buggy program. The intended behavior can be leveraged to synthesize programs, in order to make the subtle code difference between a buggy program and its correct version (i.e., the synthesized program) explicit. Driven by this observation, we propose a novel approach that synergistically combines ChatGPT and differential testing to find failure-inducing test cases. We evaluate our approach on Quixbugs (a benchmark of buggy programs), and compare it with state-of-the-art baselines, including direct use of ChatGPT and Pynguin. The experimental result shows that our approach has a much higher probability (77.8 best baseline.


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