Few-Shot Learning with Intra-Class Knowledge Transfer

by   Vivek Roy, et al.

We consider the few-shot classification task with an unbalanced dataset, in which some classes have sufficient training samples while other classes only have limited training samples. Recent works have proposed to solve this task by augmenting the training data of the few-shot classes using generative models with the few-shot training samples as the seeds. However, due to the limited number of the few-shot seeds, the generated samples usually have small diversity, making it difficult to train a discriminative classifier for the few-shot classes. To enrich the diversity of the generated samples, we propose to leverage the intra-class knowledge from the neighbor many-shot classes with the intuition that neighbor classes share similar statistical information. Such intra-class information is obtained with a two-step mechanism. First, a regressor trained only on the many-shot classes is used to evaluate the few-shot class means from only a few samples. Second, superclasses are clustered, and the statistical mean and feature variance of each superclass are used as transferable knowledge inherited by the children few-shot classes. Such knowledge is then used by a generator to augment the sparse training data to help the downstream classification tasks. Extensive experiments show that our method achieves state-of-the-art across different datasets and n-shot settings.


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