FastViT: A Fast Hybrid Vision Transformer using Structural Reparameterization

The recent amalgamation of transformer and convolutional designs has led to steady improvements in accuracy and efficiency of the models. In this work, we introduce FastViT, a hybrid vision transformer architecture that obtains the state-of-the-art latency-accuracy trade-off. To this end, we introduce a novel token mixing operator, RepMixer, a building block of FastViT, that uses structural reparameterization to lower the memory access cost by removing skip-connections in the network. We further apply train-time overparametrization and large kernel convolutions to boost accuracy and empirically show that these choices have minimal effect on latency. We show that - our model is 3.5x faster than CMT, a recent state-of-the-art hybrid transformer architecture, 4.9x faster than EfficientNet, and 1.9x faster than ConvNeXt on a mobile device for the same accuracy on the ImageNet dataset. At similar latency, our model obtains 4.2 MobileOne. Our model consistently outperforms competing architectures across several tasks – image classification, detection, segmentation and 3D mesh regression with significant improvement in latency on both a mobile device and a desktop GPU. Furthermore, our model is highly robust to out-of-distribution samples and corruptions, improving over competing robust models.


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